
Advocacy - HKHP Partner Advocate - Healthy Kids Happy Planet

Healthy Kids Happy Planet sponsored the first ever legislation calling for daily plant-based vegetarian school lunches, the CA Healthy School Lunch Act, Assembly Concurrent Resolution 16 (ACR 16, 2003). New York, Florida and Hawaii followed suit. As a result, the CA Department of Education Nutrition Services has created comprehensive resources to assist schools in meeting the goals of the Healthy School Lunch Act. Click here to learn more. 

The resolution was endorsed by every major health organization, as well as the CA State PTA, The Federation of Student Councils and the CA Superintendent of Public Instruction. Click here for list of stellar endorsements.

HKHP founder, Barbara Cole Gates, currently serves on local school wellness councils. In 2021, her efforts to update the Oceanside School District Wellness Policy, resulted in clear and comprehensive language to increase plant-based school meals and incorporate the five core values of the Good Food Purchasing Program, as well as require nutrition education to be multicultural and include information on vegan and vegetarian diets.

If you are a parent, caregiver, food or health professional, HKHP encourages you to join our efforts by becoming an HKHP partner to advocate on your local school wellness committee. HKHP is here to support you!

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