Our elementary school presentations involve fun lessons and culinary activities that empower students to protect their health, animals & the planet through choosing delicious plant-based meals! Health Kids Happy Planet offers two free nutrition presentations, available live and via Zoom. Both programs include fun activity worksheets, plus a take-home handout with recipes to extend the lesson home to family.
With vibrant photos of colorful food, nature and kids, The Power of Plants, is a lively and interactive nutrition lesson, presented by “Queen Bean” and “Princess Peapod”, with a special emphasis on cool beans from around the world.
The presentation includes trivia, a physical activity, and an optional cooking demonstration with taste test. The Power of Plants serves as the first lesson of our eco-focused, multi-cultural and standards-based nutrition curriculum, Cool Beans from Around the World!
Students enjoy story time with a sequel to the classic Jack and the Bean Stalk – a whimsical and modern day tale about kind deeds and cool beans, with allusions to classic fables and fairytales. After story time there is a short nutrition science lesson about the power of eating beans for healthy, earth friendly plant protein, plus a cooking demo and tasting of “Queen Bean’s” Stupendous Bean Stew.
Email [email protected] to schedule a presentation.
Lesson 1: Plants are Powerful Food
Nutrition Focus: Healthy Eating Plate, Nutrients, Body cells
The Daily Scoop
The Daily Scoop is a series of fun, consistent and easy to understand daily nutrition tips for kids, grades K-8. Adding the Daily Scoop “bite-sized” nutrition tips to your school’s broadcast or classroom opening routine, elevates plant-strong nutrition education to a daily practice without adding more than 30 seconds to a teacher’s busy routine! Click here to learn more.
Cool Beans from Around the World
In our standards-based, multicultural & eco-focused Cool Beans from Around the World nutrition curriculum, elementary students learn about healthy eating in the context of diverse culture, geography and history, as they enjoy a virtual tour (Google slideshow) of wondrous places and wonderful food. Click here to learn more.
Gather together for reading time with your students, for engaging and empowering food-focused adventure!
Beautiful photographs of food, children, animals
and nature convey a simple, yet empowering message to kids: Every individual has the super power to make a difference for
animals & the planet… eating “lean and green!”
Click here to view sample pages.
Eating Lean and Green with Super Foods to Save the Planet is a fresh and smart approach to educating kids about their very own “super power” when it comes
to food choices… an excellent addition to every parent or teacher’s bookshelf. – Neal Barnard, M.D., F.A.C.C. President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.
With allusions to classic fairytales, this clever storybook sequel is a tale of adventure and magic, affirming kind deeds – and cool beans! Includes a brief nutrition science lesson about healthy and earth-friendly food choices, plus recipe for Queen Bean’s Stupendous Bean Stew.
Both Eating Lean & Green with Super Foods to Save the Planet, and Jack and the Bean STEW in a combo value pack