Asian inspired, this super easy edamame wrap combines sweet, fresh & “umami” (deliciousness). Kids love this sweet, tangy and “umami” (deliciousness) wrap, with popular veggies and sweet Asian dressing. 

Tips and tricks:

1. Let your kids create the wrap.  They’ll take pride in their creation and are much more likely to eat it.
2. Use organic whenever possible.
3. Many of our wrap recipes call for Vegenaise as an ingredient in the dressings.  We understand that even egg-free mayo is not a health food, but it can help  kids to eat more veggies.  Delicious, nutrient dense plant-based alternative, easy cashew mayo recipe.
4. Measurements are approximate.  We would have listed ingredient amounts as “a scoop of this,” or a “handful of that,” but  measurements are a great for math.


Wraps rock, Asian Style!

2 large / 10 inch whole grain rich flour tortillas
1 cup frozen soy beans (shelled), also known as Edamame
1/2 cup fresh sugar snap peas, chopped (or regular peas, thawed)
1/2 cup mandarin oranges (canned or fresh), peeled and chopped
1 celery stalk, sliced thin
2 cups of greens, with some cabbage & chopped broccoli suggested
1/2 cup cashews (or peanuts)

Asian salad dressing of your choice, such as –
Spicy Thai Peanut or Soy Ginger (or a blend of both).

​Warm tortilla over medium-low heat until soft.  Meanwhile, toss all ingredients together in a bowl. Load into warm tortilla, roll it up and enjoy! Serves 2.


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Good Nutrition News for FEBRUARY
Here’s a sample of the nutrition knowledge your student is gaining this month, with The Daily Scoop, good nutrition news delivered daily!

  • Water is the #1 beverage recommendation, and a study showed that kids who drank a glass of water before their school day did better on tests!  Add a squeeze of orange or grapefruit citrus fruit for added flavor and nutrients.
  • The Cool Bean of the Month is the soybean. Soybeans have been called the miracle bean because they are so very healthy, and because they can be prepared in many creative ways,  such as tofu, delicious in an Asian rice & veggie bowl.
  • When you eat sweet red beets, you’re helping your body’s red blood cells.  Red / blood / cells have the important job of traveling inside your blood and carrying the oxygen we breath  to every part of your body. And what organ is it, that pumps the blood and blood cells through your body?  Here’s a hint: It beats. (Answer: the Heart)

We hope these tips and special recipe will spark a healthy conversation about nutrition around your dinner table.  Remember, eating plant-food is good for you and the planet too!  Brought to you by Healthy Kids, Happy Planet!